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Do you want recipes with real ingredients? 

Not "naturally derived" but actually in their purest form?


Our recipes include natural herbs, oils and butters with fresh fruits. ​Learn how to turn cucumbers into a body wash, body scrub, aftershave or toner.​ Learn how to turn beets into a toner or add some into a leave-in conditioner! Turn creamy coconuts into a facial wash and shampoo!


Have you ever wanted to delve into homemade skin care? Recipes From the Earth: For the Face Body and Hair is the perfect place to start! With over 40, beginner-friendly
homemade skin care recipes, this book is soon to be your natural remedy go-to. The skin care industry can be confusing, costly and sometimes, even harmful. It’s time to take back control of what you put on your body and explore the wonders of all-natural ingredients.



Do the Math! According to the New York Post, American women spend $65 a month on creams, lotions, & moisturizers alone! $115 monthly is spent on makeup and beauty treatments on average. While the Average American spent $26-50 a month in a 2022 study (Attest).

If you have a growing family this number can add up.



Learn the Essentials you need to get started-Our supply list gives you all the complete list of ingredients you need to make 40+ recipes


Customize Your Scent-or Leave it Out! You choose how much or how little fragrance you desire, the best part is it is 100% natural! No Funky Chemicals or Special Equipment Needed!


No need for the safety gear, our products feature ingredients that edible and easy to pronounce! ABSOLUTELY NO lye, thickeners or dyes!


  • Make your own Baking soda Free Deodorant that works, and try my clay version!

  • Make your own Shampoo using our Triple Coconut or Cucumber Revitalizing blends!

  • Make your own luxurious Whipped Body Butter with as little as 4 ingredients

  • Make my coveted Cranberry Face Cream, that my customers with rosacea rave about!

  • Make your own Bodywashes, one for you and one for your boo!

  • Make your own gently exfoliating face and body scrubs; for your at-home spa treatment!

Your whole family and your entire body will thank you!


Recipes From the Earth book details:

 Paperback copy book full of natural skin care recipes
 Over 40 tried and tested recipes loved by myself and my family
 Recipes are Beginner-friendly and easy to use
 Ingredient glossary included


Customers will receive links to download their digital products in the thank you page of the checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days.



Full Recipe List!




Baking Soda Free Deodorant 1

Extra Strength Clay Deodorant 2

Pumpkin oil Solid Lotion Bars 3

Lavender Epsom Salt Bath Soak 4

Oatmeal Cinnamon Milk Bath 5

Pink Grapefruit Sugar Scrub 6

Rose Petal Chamomile Sugar Scrub 7

Lemon Ginger Sea Salt Scrub 8

Coffee Bean Sugar Scrub 9

Green Tea Face & Body Scrub 10

Whipped Coconut Macadamia Scrub 11

Cranberry Hibiscus Body Wash 12

Agave Cucumber Body Wash 13

Foot Deodorizer Powder 14

Massage oil 15

Eczema & Psoriasis Oil 16

Cranberry Body Oil 17

Whipped Body Butter 18

Hot Chocolate Body Frosting 19




Ginger Sage Mouthwash 20

Mango Lip Balm 21

Milk N Honey Face Cleanser 22

Green Tea Facial Cleanser 23

Green Tea Facial Toner 24

Beet Juice Facial Toner 25

Fresh Cucumber Toner 26

Men's Tingling After Shave Spray 27

Cranberry Face & Hand Cream 28

Turmeric Facial Toning Mask 29





Herbal Hair Tea Rinse 30

Green Tea Leave in Conditioner Spray 31

Cucumber Mint Tingling Shampoo 32

Triple Coconut Low Sud Shampoo 33

Vanilla Hair Glaze 34

Ginger Orange Hair Deep Treatment 35

Everyday Avocado Hair Butter 36

Itchy Scalp Oil 37

Itchy Scalp Spritz 38

Herbal Hair Oil 39




Autumn Spice Potpourri 40

Destress & Decongest Potpourri 41

EBOOK: Recipes From The Earth: For the Face, Body and Hair

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