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One Time Offer, only $147!

Vous avez la peau sensible ?

Je vais t'apprendre à fabriquer tes propres produits pour le corps !

Cela signifiePas pluslotions trop parfumées,

ingrédients douteuxet des pots de petite taille quicoûte trop cher!

La plupart de nos recettes sont si simples que même un tout-petit pourrait le faire !

  • Faire votre propreDéodorant sans bicarbonate de soudequi fonctionne, et essayez monargileversion!

  • Faites votre propre Shampooingen utilisant nos mélanges revitalisants triple noix de coco ou concombre !

  • Faites votre propre luxeFouetté beurre corporelavec aussi peu que 4 ingrédients

  • Faire mon convoitéCrème Visage Canneberge, dont mes clientes atteintes de rosacée raffolent !

  • Faire votre propreGels douche, un pour vous et un pour votre chéri !

  • Fabriquez votre propre exfoliant douxVisageetgommages corporels; pour votre cure thermale à domicile !

Toute votre famille et tout votre corps vous remercieront !

Obtenez tout cela


Pour seulement 8 $ !

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Accepted Payment Methods: Credit or Debit, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Tap to Pay or Installments using AfterPay and Affirm.

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Envie de recettes avec de vrais ingrédients ?


Pas "d'origine naturelle" mais en fait dans leur forme la plus pure?

Nos recettes comprennent des herbes naturelles, des huiles et des beurres avec des fruits frais.

Apprenez à transformer les concombres en nettoyant pour le corps, en gommage pour le corps, en après-rasage ou en tonique.

Apprenez à transformer les betteraves en tonique ou à en ajouter dans un après-shampooing sans rinçage !

Transformez les noix de coco crémeuses en un nettoyant pour le visage et un shampoing !

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Follow the S.T.E.P.S. Framework, commit to your growth, and watch your business flourish!


Common Objections—And Why They Don't Apply Here:

"I'm not ready yet. I need more time to learn."

You don’t need more information, Sis. You need the right tools to implement what you already know. This guide walks you through the exact steps you need to build a business while you continue learning along the way.



 "I don’t know if I can afford it."

Here’s the deal: I’ve spent thousands of dollars and years building my business—and I’ve packed everything I’ve learned into this eBook for a fraction of the cost. This investment will save you time, money, and stress down the line.



"What if I don't have the time?"

I get it—you’re juggling a lot. But what if I told you this guide is designed to save you time?

With templates, frameworks, and actionable steps, you’ll be able to implement strategies without reinventing the wheel.



"I don’t know if this will really work for me."

I hear you—but this guide isn't theory. It’s the exact process I used to build my multi-six-figure herbal business. You’re getting the same strategies and tools I’ve used with proven success.



"I'm overwhelmed by all the information out there."

This eBook cuts through the noise. I’ve distilled years of experience into a simple, step-by-step system that’s easy to follow, so you can focus on what matters: building a business that serves your community and transforms lives.



Here's a sneak peek into what you will walk away with


Brand Vision

Mission Statement

These guides help you get clear on your "why" and your "how," so you’re not just another herbalist in the crowd. We’ll provide examples of successful brands that have gone through this process, and you'll walk away with a draft of your own vision and mission statement to guide every decision.

Core Values

Business Goals

From revenue targets to client numbers, we’ll break down your business goals into actionable steps. Using our templates, you’ll set measurable, achievable, and time-bound goals. With each milestone you hit, you’ll see your business grow in the right direction—and feel the satisfaction of progress.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

We’ll help you define your USP with a workbook that makes it crystal clear what sets you apart. Imagine having a personal blueprint that shows you exactly how to communicate your unique value, so clients know you’re the one they’ve been searching for.

Ideal Client Avatar

Core Offering

Customer Journey

Client Communication Plan

We’ll walk you through a step-by-step plan for consistent communication that speaks directly to your ideal clients, ensuring they feel valued every step of the way. Exercises will help you set up your email sequences, follow-ups, and client outreach systems.

Process Mapping

We’ll guide you through the exact steps you need to create seamless, organized client journeys. From onboarding to post-service follow-up, we’ll provide templates that allow you to map out every interaction your clients have with you, ensuring they’re always taken care of and you’re not overwhelmed. You’ll have the tools to create a smooth workflow that keeps both you and your clients at ease.

...and so much more!




Build Your Empire—Today!


Don’t wait! Start building your herbal empire today and transform your practice into a successful, sustainable business.

Build Your Empire Order Form

Choose your Resources

Accepted Payment Methods: Credit or Debit, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Tap to Pay or Installments using AfterPay and Affirm.

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Teaching thousands of women the steps to cultivate a happier and healthier life!

KhadiYah is a community herbalist, author and content creator. She specializes in teaching African and African American herbal traditions. She prides herself on being a self professed "Kitchen Herbalist" and teaches others to be the same. She also coined the T.E.A. method to teach her students how to make the perfect blend of tea every time.

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