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Become a Better Herbalist!


  • Stand out from all the other herbalists who are just repeating what they've heard other herbal teachers say! 

  • Adopt a truly Holistic Approach- one that isn't the cookie cutter "mind, body, spirit approach."

  • Reclaim your Ancestral Wisdom with real herbalism, the type that your grandparents practiced!

  • Learn how to avoid the common mistakes that herbalists make- and what to do instead!

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The term "holistic" is often used but it can have different meanings for different people.

When I refer to holistic, I mean considering the entire person—the whole plant and the whole person.


Considering the whole person involves understanding that

Organs assist one another,

Vitamins & Minerals balance one another,

Hormones balance one another,

and likewise, our Emotional and Physical states are intertwined.

If your practice doesn't include all of these factors, it's not holistic. 

But fear not, because with my guide,

I 'll help you navigate through the common mistakes that most herbalists are currently making,

so that you can be an herbalist who confidently gets positive and reliable results every time. 

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Unlocking the Secrets

Chapter 2: Plants over Pills

Chapter 3: Everything is a System

Chapter 4: Rewiring Our Brains to Think Like an Herbalist

Chapter 5: Misconceptions About Herbal Blending

Chapter 6: Where to Start on Your Herbal Journey


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Teaching thousands of women the steps to cultivate a happier and healthier life!

KhadiYah is a community herbalist, author and content creator. She specializes in teaching African and African American herbal traditions. She prides herself on being a self professed "Kitchen Herbalist" and teaches others to be the same. She also coined the T.E.A. method to teach her students how to make the perfect blend of tea every time.

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