Today, I am thrilled to introduce my T.E.A method—a foolproof approach to creating the perfect tea blend every time. However, this method is not limited to beverages alone. Whether you're concocting a tincture, extract, or capsule, the T.E.A method can guide you in formulating exceptional herbal blends for both taste and medicinal purposes.
The inspiration behind this method stemmed from my desire to demystify the process of creating herbal blends for my students. Often, herbalists face challenges in understanding the nuances of blending herbs, leading to numerous questions. Hence, the T.E.A method was born—a comprehensive framework that encompasses both beverage and medicinal tea blends.

Beverage Blends vs Medicinal Blends
Beverage blends are primarily designed for taste, pleasure, and enjoyment. These blends cater to casual tea drinkers and often include common herbs such as lavender or chamomile. On the other hand, medicinal tea blends are more specialized and focused, addressing specific ailments individuals may be experiencing at a given time.
The Formula

Taste, Texture & Time
The T.E.A. method is composed of three core components, represented by the three T's. If you solely focus on these three T's, you will have a delightful beverage blend. Alternatively, employing the complete T.E.A method will guide you in creating medicinal blends.
Let's delve into the components in detail.
Beverage Blends
Taste plays a crucial role in crafting remarkable beverage blends. With five primary tastes—sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty—we aim to achieve a complex and multi-dimensional flavor profile.

A single-note tea won't suffice; we want to introduce various elements and layers to create an enjoyable and intriguing experience. By incorporating unexpected choices, we encourage tea enthusiasts to take multiple sips, trying to decipher the blend's ingredients. Remember, most people won't continue consuming something that doesn't taste good.
Therefore, focusing on taste not only enhances the blend's palatability but also increases compliance and long-term consumption. Additionally, different tastes have varying effects on different organs and systems within the body, making a complex flavor profile indispensable.

Texture is another crucial aspect. It's not merely about the size of the tea particles but rather about creating a blend that is layered, intricate, and visually appealing. For instance, breaking chamomile flowers into different shapes or combining them with lemon balm leaves can provide both visual and textural diversity. By ensuring the blend is visually enticing, we entice individuals to explore the tea before even taking the first sip.
Texture significantly contributes to the overall experience.
Lastly, time is a vital consideration. Infusions and decoctions are both options, and the steeping time varies for each. The principle of "like with like" guides us in determining the optimal steeping time. For instance, herbs suitable for a 10-minute infusion steeping time are incorporated accordingly. Moreover, longer steeping times may introduce a bitter profile, necessitating careful selection. Typically, fluffy herb parts are suited for infusion, while thicker and fibrous plant parts, like barks or roots, are ideal for decoction. Keep in mind that some roots may also be suitable for infusion, so comprehensive knowledge is essential. In certain cases, herb powders may be necessary to achieve the desired blend.

Once you have checked off these considerations, you will have created a perfect tea blend—be it for beverages or other formulations.
Crafting Medicinal Blends
Moving on to the E&A components, we transition into the realm of medicinal blends.
E stands for "energetics," referring to the specific energetic properties of herbs. Some herbs have cooling effects, while others provide warmth to the body. Some are moistening, while others are drying. Additionally, herbs can tone, strengthen, or relax the body. By analyzing the herb's specific actions, we can tailor the blend to meet individual needs accurately. It is crucial to acknowledge that not all colds, fevers, or ailments are alike. Adopting a personalized approach ensures that we address the body's unique requirements, allowing us to modulate its processes and metabolism effectively. Neglecting these aspects often leads to claims of herbs not working as expected.

The final element is affinity, which refers to the organs with which each herb interacts. When consuming the tea, one can feel the herbs naturally gravitating toward the problem areas, initiating shifts within the body. While many herbs possess multiple affinities, certain herbs excel at targeting specific organs. For example, there are top herbs recognized by most herbalists as liver tonics or remedies for various organ systems. By incorporating herbs with known affinities into a formula, we ensure that the tea specifically addresses the intended issue. With time and practice, one can discern the purpose of any given blend by examining the herbs, without even needing to read a title or description. Attending to these aspects brings clarity to the entire process.
So, this whole method, the taste, the texture, the time, the herbal energetics, and the organ affinity is what will help you make your perfect medicinal or beverage blend every time.
I hope this breakdown has shed light on the methodology.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my method in the comments below.