Medicinal Benefits of Sage
Sage Salvia Officialis Lamiaceae (Mint) Family Parts used: Leaves, root (Dan Shen, Red Sage) Actions: carminative, antispasmodic, expectorant, aromatic, tonic, circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, estrogenic, antifungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial Organ Affinity: Nervous System, Lungs, Stomach, Liver Energetics: Pungent, Cool, Dry
Sage is a fuzzy silvery bush of beauty. It has very long taproots that establish over just a few months. Sage has large black seeds which are easy to plant. The leaves are a grayish green color, they are hairy and have a lot of veining throughout. When in flower the bright purple flowers are a thing of beauty, the flowers resemble protruding bottom lips that are ready to give you a kiss.
Sage is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. It promotes healthy skin and wound healing; it is commonly used in hair-care products for hair growth. Sage also promotes good oral health, it can be used in mouthwashes and in gargles for tonsillitis.
Sage oil has anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. This paired with its expectorant properties makes sage a great remedy when used for respiratory infections. Sage reduces saliva production and blood sugar levels.
Sage is a top herb for our silver-haired elders. It is used for older women as they go through menopause and as a women reaches the end of her breastfeeding cycle. Sage can be used for mastitis as it works as a galactifuge, drying up breast milk. Sage leaves can be used directly on the breasts as a poultice.
Sage contains phyto-estrogens which can have a beneficial effect on the women’s reproductive system. It is often used for menopause symptoms specifically sweating and hot flashes, for its cooling effect. One of the most common uses of sage is for early stages of dementia, as it helps to promote memory.
Preparations: infusion, Essential oil topically, hydrosol, Mouthwash, gargle, poultice
Contraindications: Don’t take in large medicinal dosages while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Read more about sage, and try some of our recipes in the books listed below