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Preparing for Menopause With Herbs, Actionable Steps Inside!

Menopause affects more than just the uterus. There's actually a gland, technically two, that play a huge role in lessening menopausal symptoms. Even if you are not currently going through menopause, you will still want to continue reading on to learn how to prepare your body before you reach this stage of life.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the pause, or end, of menstrual cycles. During this stage the ovaries stop producing the reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone, as they are no longer needed for menstruation or ovulation. Unfortunately, this comes with some drawbacks as hormones, mainly estrogen, play important functions that benefit our health as women. Menopause typically occurs at the age of 51 for the average woman.

What are the symptoms of Menopause?

Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, dryness of the vagina or skin, mood swings, chills and night sweats. Additionally, menopause increases one chances of developing osteoporosis, heart disease and vaginal atrophy due to the absence of estrogen.


What are some of the functions of estrogen?

Estrogen is an important hormone that regulates many of the functions in the women’s reproductive system. Some of the functions of estrogen are as follows:

· Increases muscle strength and increases bone density

· Reduces cholesterol in the blood and protects the heart from cholesterol

· Prevents vaginal infection, provides vaginal lubrication

As you can see without estrogen, bones will lose strength and density, cholesterol will increase in the blood and the vagina will lose lubrication and protection against infections. Fortunately, estrogen levels can be managed easily and efficiently with the use of medicinal plants.


Why the Adrenal Glands are also important during Menopause:

These small glands located above the kidneys, release hormones called estradiol, which can be converted to estrogen. If the adrenal glands are fatigued, or weakened and worn out, adrenal fatigue can worsen menopause symptoms.

Signs of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue symptoms include fatigue, sudden weight loss, light-headedness and low blood pressure.


What are actionable steps to take before menopause?

As you become close to the peri-menopausal age, this is also an indication that it is time to start consuming herbs that are

  • Mineral rich herbs to support skin and bone health

  • Cognitive enhancing herbs to keep the brain sharp

  • Adrenal tonics which help to strengthen the adrenal glands


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